HIV/AIDS This treatment takes a period of 8 months. The HIV virus, when it enters into the blood system, fights to weaken the immune system which makes them inactive to function well in the body. Jesus Temple Relief Clinic is able to heal HIV/AIDs by giving the person a treatment, which will help build up the entire immune system and make them strong again. In the greater effect, we continue with the treatment till all the HIV/AIDs virus is cleansed from the blood
TYPHOID FEVER Jesus Temple Relief Clinic is able to cure typhoid fever to its final degree. This medicine is an instant-healing drug, but since the entire blood system has to be cleansed, the person will have to take the treatment for one-month (1-month) before becoming totally healed.
BLOOD PRESSURE This treatment is for those with high blood pressure. This person becomes totally free from the sickness within the first and second months of taking the drug. No matter how your pressure the drug will heal you
DIABETES This treatment takes a period of two months. The drug fights to remove the insulin from your body, which totally heals you from the disease.
FIBROID/BARRENNESS The treatment of fibroid takes 0ne to two months depending on the seriousness of the disease. The drug melts every blood clot, which heals you from the disease without been operated at the hospital.
Any body with barrenness will be treated with our drug to cleanse the womb for the barren women to be able to bear children. We also have treatment for menstrual disorder, which makes you totally free from menstrual pains and any other menstrual diseases.
STROKE Any body suffering from stroke will be treated within two to three months. This treatment even cures the stroke person who doesn’t even have hope of becoming strong again.
STOMACH ULCER This treatment is very fast and reliable. We give drugs to the sick persons, which heals all the sore in the stomach to make you free from this disease.
PILES OR KOOKO (Sexual weakness, Low sperm count) Bad sight, Waist pains, Rheumatism and Blood in Toilet are some of the symptoms of Kooko. Jesus Temple Relief Clinic will treat you to heal you from all these diseases. This treatment takes its healing course depending on the type if problems that your facing.